While attending a Christmas concert on the third Sunday of Advent. Sketching the luminous stained glass windows, a brilliant rose window with the afternoon sun streaming in. Unearthly voices singing ancient Carols echoing perfectly inside a turn of the century Neo-Gothic stone church in St. Charles, Illinois. *Drawing with my cell phone app, Samsung for Galaxy Sketchbook Pro.*
Let all mortal flesh keep silence,
And with fear and trembling stand;
Ponder nothing earthly minded,
For with blessing in His hand,
Christ our God to earth descendeth,
"To me, to paint is to practice the "Presence of God" in the process of creating. Whether I have a market for my work is secondary to the practice of the "art of seeing" that is fundamental to my being. I urge you to do the same: whether your "art" be painting, writing, theatre, dance, music-or being a first responder, or a nurse, or an engineer-develop your "inner eye" and create with faith."
Makoto Fujimura Toward Culture Care:
*update here is another link to Makoto Fujimura's writing.