Monday, November 30, 2020

First Sunday of Advent

 Advent is my favorite liturgical season. I love the purple banners, the four candles on the altar, the readings from the prophets, and the contemplative music. 

I especially relish the way this season stands in stark contrast to the frenetic activity of the world around me. Just as the world is flashing brighter lights, the church is dimming her lights and waiting.

Advent is a four-week season that marks the beginning of a new church year. The first half of the church year walks through the life of Jesus from his birth (celebrated at Christmas) until his death and resurrection (celebrated at Easter).

Historically, the four weeks of Advent were set aside as a time of preparation for baptism. The church today now observes Advent as a four-week period to prepare for our celebration of the Incarnation at Christmas.I am filled with gratitude for the ways the Lord has fulfilled my hopes and yet my heart breaks in the reality that all is not yet set to rights.  Christ has come and yet we walk in darkness waiting for the coming of Jesus in glory.

Advent gives the church an opportunity to anticipate the coming of Jesus as our true fulfillment and our longing for his coming again. Credit: Margie Fawcett, Deacon, Church of the Resurrection Wheaton Illinois