Daffodils are not only fully up, open and blooming like crazy but some are already withering because the sun has been too hot.
I painted this back in April of 2009. I would not have seen these blooming that year in early March as we are now. Something is not right in the season. It is Too Early.
Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise! ~Wallace Stevens

These bluebells are up and opening buds! When I painted these in 2009, it was in April. Maybe towards the end of April, or even early May. Wait, little blue bells, wait, I will still enjoy you in May if you could only wait.
Do you see the date on this watercolor from 2009? April! These hyacinths have already been blooming for a week. Oh, but they smell heavenly.

A white tulip from a year ago, almost blown open.

Primroses too, is it time to plant already?